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Hub Pharmacy Job Application Form
What we have to say about your health and well being

Giving our patients the best, means hiring great people

When you join the Hub pharmacy team you will be part of a high performing group of healthcare professionals.

Whether you already have the necessary qualifications and experience or you are starting your new career in pharmacy we will provide you with a full induction covering everything you will need to know.

Once we have reviewed your application and agreed that your skills and experience are a good fit, a member of our team will be in touch to arrange a face to face interview.

Your name
Date of birth:*
Your preferred telephone number:*
Your e-mail:*
Your address:*
Where did you hear about this vacancy?*
Which pharmacy would you like to work in?*
Which job would you like to do?*

Work patterns

Some of our pharmacies are open extended hours. You can find the opening hours on the communities pages on this site. Extended hours pharmacies often open at 7am and close at 10pm including at the weekend.
If you are unavailable to work at any time during the week please provide details below:*
Do you hold any of the following pharmacy related qualifications? Select as many as are relevant...

Equal opportunities

We are an equal opportunities employer. It is company policy to provide equal opportunity for the development of employees including promotion and training and to employ the best qualified personnel while ensuring no discrimination against any person because of race, colour, creed, national origin, sex, marital, status, age, religious background or disability. The information requested below is used for no other purpose and is treated as confidential. Declaration subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Convictions defined as 'spent' under the Act should not be included).
Have your ever been convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonesty, violence or drugs?*
Do you have any prosecution pending for any of the above types of offence?*
Do you have or have you had any recognised disability that might affect your ability to work?*


This application form requires you to provide sensitive personal data. Where relevant to the position we may make checks against police records or with other appropriate agencies to verify professional qualifications and registrations and for security purposes, as a result we may need to disclose some or all of your information to the relevant agency for these purposes. We might contact you about your application by post, email or telephone using the contact details you provide to us. If your application is successful and you accept a position with the Hub pharmacy, the information you provide and which we obtain through references and the agencies referred to above will form part of your personnel records. By returning your completed form to us you signify your consent to us processing your personal data (including sensitive personal data) as specified and to being contacted by post, email or telephone about your application where you have provided these contact details.
I authorise the Hub pharmacy to obtain references to support my application once I have accepted an offer made, or otherwise agreed. I release the Company and referees from any liability caused by giving and receiving information. I confirm that the information given on this form is true and complete and has been completed by myself and no one acting on my behalf. I understand that any offer of employment assumes the accuracy of this information and any false statement may be sufficient cause for rejection or, if employed, dismissal. I understand that any offer of employment received from the Hub pharmacy is subject to references satisfactory to the company being obtained
I have read and agreed to the above declaration
Peel Street, Chorley
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Registered in England and Wales: 6431213
Premises GPhC Number:
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Liane Hannah (2040487)
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